Friday, February 19, 2010


I've been so busy with work. I haven't been on the computer in 2 days. My google reader probably has 987 entries for me to read and I'm nervous!

I've been trying to keep work my main focus. See, at our salon everyone has started as a shampoo tech, moved to apprentice after a year-ish, train long enough under a master stylist to obtain 3,000 hours of on the floor work - based on 40 hour weeks - roughly a year and a half- two all this saying I've been at my shop for 3+ years, worked my way up, and now I am preparing to take my state board exam after putting in my 3,000 hours. This is the end all, be all.

After you take your exam, loads of things change. You take the reins of your career. You begin to profit off the clients you've worked for two years to keep. You no longer work for their tips, you make comission. They start you on a mid-hourly pay, and comission, and slowly ween you off hourly pay until your comission profit is large and in charge. All in all I work for an amazing group of people who sincerely care about their employees. They pay half my health insurance and we have a killer 401k plan, and they ALWAYS offer amazing continuing education classes - at our own salon! They fly top stylist in quite often to teach personalized classes to us...all free of charge to us, simply to better the entire shop! - try finding another salon around that does those things, you won't.

This is why I have been consumed with hair lately. This test is really important to Eric and I - our wedding hinges strongly on it - the more money I start to make - the less strapped for cash we will be come wedding time. But I've got to show my true colors, nail this test, and earn a chair at my shop! :)

So please forgive me for not being around 100% - I swear I'll still write a few times a week !!!

Anyone else ever have a major job transition during wedding planning? Maybe that your budget rested on?


ps- shutter island is a good movie...go see it!

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23 year old mess about to marry a 23 year old hunk. we'll see how this goes...